
50 entries is a landmark

For those of you that have read me since April of this year, you will have read 50 blog entries. I think it is a landmark I should underline. What better way to underline animal research by showing you that we too care about animals.  

This Birds of paradise video is part and parcel of a joint project between two well known and respected entities: National Geographic and Audubon. Here's how Cornell's lab of ornithology describes it:

The Most Decorated Birds on the Planet

This fall, we invite you to experience the Birds-of-Paradise Project through dazzling photos and video from Cornell Lab scientist Ed Scholes and National Geographic photographer Tim Laman. During an eight-year quest, they captured images of all 39 species for the first time. This fall, they will share their story as part of a National Geographic Society-wide effort in collaboration with the Cornell Lab.

The video is just the tip of the iceberg—this fall, the Birds-of-Paradise Project will go public with a gorgeous coffee-table book copublished by National Geographic and the Cornell Lab (available for preorder), a major exhibit at the National Geographic Museum, a TV documentary on Thanksgiving Day, articles in Living Bird and National Geographic magazines, and a North American lecture tour.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a membership institution dedicated to interpreting and conserving the earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds. Visit the Cornell Lab’s website at http://www.birds.cornell.edu.

Copyright © 2012 Cornell Lab of Ornithology, All rights reserved.

Actually there are many of us reading, writing about or working in animal research and this in no way precludes liking, loving or caring about animals and humans alike! If you agree with me, don't forget to sign my petition and to ask your colleagues , friends and relatives to do so too!  Remember that if you stop animal research, who will stop the real killers??

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